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    Most of us are familiar with the importance of collagen. Healthy, young skin contains collagen that gives it volume, flexibility and strength. As part of the aging process, your own natural collagen breaks down, diminishing facial volume. This loss of elasticity and volume results in wrinkles, facial lines and skin laxity that rob your skin of its youthful appearance.

    Treatment with Radiesse wrinkle filler can bring back your own natural collagen and restore facial volume, with results that may last a year or more in many patients.

    What is Radiesse
    Radiesse wrinkle filler is an injectable implant composed of synthetically produced smooth calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres (diameter of 25µm to 45µm) suspended in a sodium carboxymethylcellulose gel carrier. RADIESSE wrinkle filler is approximately 30 percent CaHA and 70 percent gel carrier by volume.

    Radiesse wrinkle filler is injected into the skin in a minimally invasive procedure. Radiesse is FDA approved to be mixed with lidocaine in order to reduce discomfort or pain with the procedure. Injection of the product provides an immediate one-to-one correction of the face wrinkle. The amount of filling or augmentation can be easily placed and controlled for better results. There is no skin sensitivity testing or reconstitution required.

    Over time, the gel is absorbed, and fibroblasts appear. Neocollagenesis (the production process of new collagen) begins, stimulating the gradual growth of your own collagen. The collagen that forms results in extended correction times and increased patient satisfaction.

    To discuss whether Radiesse is right for you, contact us today or call at 402-483-8530 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mitchell. For more information, visit


    No matter how much reading you do you cannot expect to truly be ‘ready’ for the process involved following a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I couldn’t have been more blessed than to have shared this journey with Dr. Mitchell and his staff. They are calm, compassionate and reassuring.

    *Actual patient. Results may vary."

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