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    Am I Ready?

    Self-Assessment for Tummy Tuck Procedure

    Here are three important items to consider if you’re thinking about a tummy tuck.

    1. Am I at a stable weight?                                       Yes            No

    You will get the best results if you are at a stable weight. If you have recently gained weight or are losing weight, it is important to reach your plateau (ideal) weight before you have an abdominoplasty procedure.

    2. Am I done having children?                                Yes             No

    You will get the best long-term results if you have this procedure after you are done having children.

    3. Am I planning to have a hysterectomy?             Yes             No

    A tummy tuck can be done at the same time as a hysterectomy. This reduces your cost as the two surgeries are done at the same time. There is still a separate charge for each procedure; however, the operating room cost will be less than if you had two separate surgeries done. 

    I’m ready to take the next step and learn more

    Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Cassidy Mitchell, board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, and learn more. Dr. Mitchell will take the time to explain the procedure, answer your questions, discuss your surgical options and determine the best approach for you.

    You can have the flat stomach you’ve dreamed of. Schedule your consultation today.

    Call 402-483-8530 or complete the online form below.

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