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    Look Younger FAQ

    Q: What are the advantages of fillers and non-surgical approaches?

    A: There have been many advances in dermal fillers over the years to address facial aging concerns such as wrinkles, crow’s feet around the eyes, lines around mouth and loss of volume for the face and jowls. Volume refers to the ‘plumpness’ in the face that can help create a smooth, youthful appearance; with loss of volume certain areas of the face can appear ‘hollow’ which tends to create a less youthful appearance.

    The advantage of fillers is the ability to offer improvements for facial aging without surgery. Treatment with fillers can be done in the physician office and generally you can continue on with your life with minimal interruptions in activities. Depending on the situation, fillers may be a good temporary solution lasting three months to two years depending on the filler. This also is a low-risk way to determine if a filler can address your area of concern and the length of time the filler lasts. The disadvantage of fillers is that they are not a permanent solution, and to maintain the enhancements treatment must be continued on a regular basis. For some, fillers are a good solution because of the convenience and fairly immediate results, even if treatments need to be repeated over time. For others, a more permanent solution may be preferred.


    Q: How do I know if fillers or a more permanent solution is best for me?

    A: Each person is different. It might be determined based on what you want to achieve, or it may be determined by whether you desire a one-time treatment or are more comfortable with ongoing non-surgical approaches. It’s totally up to you. That is the beauty of the many options that are available; there is an approach to fit the needs of each individual.


    Q:  What are the advantages of a one-time treatment?

    A:  Updating your look with a one-time treatment approach offers advantages such as – a more permanent solution without the need to return regularly for ongoing treatments to maintain the desired effect, plus over time the cost of routine regular treatments can add up. The results are long-lasting, addressing the underlying source that causes wrinkles and contouring your look to your desired outcome in one procedure. At the same time, the results also are subtle and noticeable, but not obvious – our clients tell us that they receive comments like “You never age. Are you on some kind of regimen? You look great.”


    Q: What about lotions and other over-the-counter products?

    A: These products do moisturize your skin, and this moisture in your skin can reduce the appearance of wrinkles. However, the moisturizing effects of these lotions and creams do not address the underlying cause of wrinkles, which is collagen breakdown under your skin. To address this, a greater strength (but not harsh) product or treatment is needed. This can be accomplished with prescription strength products or treatments like fillers.


    Q: How much does it cost?

    A: That depends on the best approach to achieve your desired outcome. We are happy to go over costs and our financial options during your consultation.


    Q: How can I learn more about the options and what is best for me?

    A: Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Cassidy Mitchell. He will visit with you about the areas you would like to address, assess your skin’s condition, explain the different options and answer your questions, and make a recommendation about the best approach for you.


    To schedule your consultation, call 402-483-8530 or use our online form below.

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