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    Latisse has been proven to enhance eyelash prominence as measured by increases in length, thickness and darkness of eyelashes. Latisse has been proven to enhance eyelash prominence as measured by increases users can expect to experience longer, fuller and darker eyelashes in as little as eight weeks, with full results in 16 weeks. If you seek longer, fuller eyelashes, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mitchell and see if Latisse has been proven to enhance eyelash prominence as measured by increases is right for you!

    About Latisse
    Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2008, Latisse (0.03 percent bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) is the first science-based treatment used to treat hypotrichosis, a condition characterized by inadequate or not enough eyelashes.

    Latisse is an ophthalmic solution containing 0.03 percent bimatoprost. It is applied to the skin of the upper eyelid margin only. It works by causing hair growth within the skin of the eyelid margin to help thicken and lengthen the eyelashes. It is applied with an applicator. Continued use is necessary, and discontinuation of the medication will return the eyelashes to their pretreatment state over the course of weeks to months.

    Inadvertent application to areas of skin not along the upper eyelid margin can result in hair growth. Patients with glaucoma should consult their physician prior to taking this medication. The most common side affect is itching, which is seen in approximately four percent of users. Other side affects include pigmentation of the upper eyelids, which is usually reversible as well as potential brown pigmentation of the iris. Redness, dryness and irritation of the eye also have been reported.

    Contact us today or call at 402-483-8530 to schedule a Latisse consultation with Dr. Mitchell. For more information, please visit


    The main thing that stuck with me was that Dr. Mitchell was very compassionate.

    *Actual patient. Results may vary."

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